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Indian Fencing Federation progress

Shri Rajiv Mehta, Secretary of the Indian Olympic Association, took over the position as a President of Fencing Association of India in 2017. Shri Bashir Ahmed Khan of Chhattisgarh and Ashok Dudhare of Maharashtra elected as secretary and treasurer respectively. Fencing Association caught pace in the overall development in presence of Shree Rajiv Mehta. His management, hard work, skill and intense practice in sports have paid of. Many pending cases in the sports ministry are resolved in a positive way such as fencing up gradation in priority games; it is only because of Shri. Rajiv Mehtaji, a large amount of funds raised to participate in international competitions. At a time when there was no funding from the central government, Rajiv Mehtaji sanctioned the entire cost of players for international tournament.

The Olympic medal game was not in the South Asian Games; with the efforts of Mr. Rajiv Mehata it was included in the South Asian Games, Nepal. No major international competition has been held in India yet, but due to the efforts and initiative of Rajiv Mehta, India has been given the title of Commonwealth Championship in 2020.

Fencing has gained a great reputation not only in India but also in the world. All credit goes to Shri Rajiv Mehta for encouraging the players. He also has taken initiative for involvement of fencing in Railways and police games. Under the chairmanship of Rajiv Mehta, the Fencing association of India is taking the eagles ride.

History of Indian Fencing Association

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Indian Fencing Association was founded in 1974, recognized by Government in 1997 and affiliated to the Indian Olympic Association. Sports Authority of India adopted this game under its “Special Area Games Scheme” from 1989 to 1996. One German and two Russian coaches were brought by Sports Authority of India to reinforce the SAG Scheme.Achievements-Despite lack of equipment, infrastructure and sustained and proper training.

The National ranking fencers who had participated in international competitions in the recent past ,have had modest performance.Notwithstanding constraint of funds and lack of effective long term training and non-availability of competent and qualified coaches of international calibre and lack of international exposure, the juniors and seniors who had participated in international events are gradually ascending the ranking position, both in international and regional events. The Association had been holding National competitions in Sub-Junior (1999), Cadet (2004), Junior (1992) and Senior (1986) categories, both for boys/men and girls/women. During the last few years, with the active role being played by the Association and National teams participating in international events with creditable performance etc., have perhaps prompted the International and Regional Fencing Federations to request the FAI to host regional and international tournaments in Fencing. Organization of such international meets etc. will immensely benefit the FAI, will give an impetus to the game in the country, adequate exposure to the host team, acquire popularity of the game, test our organizational ability and give an opportunity to visiting teams to see our country etc

  • Fencing is the most ancient sport in the world, tracking from 1190 B.C.
  • Sport of the Olympiad since inception from 1896.
  • Part of the Commonwealth and Asian Games from 1950 and 1978 respectively.
  • International Fencing Federation (FIE) founded in 1914 (presently with 115 members) and the Asian Fencing Confederation and Commonwealth Fencing Federation formed later.
  • Indian Association was founded in 1974, recognized by Government in 1997 and affiliated to the Indian Olympic Association, Asian Fencing Confederation, Commonwealth Fencing Federation and Federation International D’Escrime (FIE).
  • There are six individual and six team events in three different weapons used in Fencing – Epee, Foil and Sabre.
  • The total number of medals is 48, next only to Aquatics and Athletics.

  • Sports Authority of India adopted this game under its “Special Area Games Scheme” from 1989 to 1996.
  • One German and two Russian coaches were brought by Sports Authority of India to reinforce the SAG Scheme.
  • During this period the trainees had participated in the World Junior & Cadet Championship in 1995 and the senior team participated in training-cum-competition at Belarus and also in an International meet at Tehran in 1996, where they secured a bronze medal in each tournament.
  • Owing to intensive training in the SAG Scheme, all trainees became National champions in their respective events, later.
  • With the closure of the SAG Scheme by SAI in 1996, the game became dormant.
  • The Association had been holding National competitions in Sub-Junior (1999), Cadet (2004), Junior (1992) and Senior (1986) categories, both for boys/men and girls/women.
  • Had also participated in a few international events, approved by the Government in the recent past.
  • Prior to participation in international events, the Association with the assistance of SAI had been conducting the National Coaching Camp of a limited duration at different venues.
  • Streamlined the functioning of the affiliated units and regulated the pattern and conduct of competition in National Championships.
  • Established an office in J.N. Stadium, New Delhi, for secretarial work.
  • Created a website for the benefit of the sports lovers.
  • Started Diploma and Certificate Courses with the assistance of NS NIS Patiala.
  • Conducted IOC Solidarity Course once in 1996 (Bangalore) and 2003 (Patiala).
  • Complied with all requirements of the IOA and SAI.
  • Obtained the services of foreign coach, for a period of ten months each, in 2002 and 2004 to impart training to National teams and advise SAI on improvements to be effected.

  • Despite lack of equipment, infrastructure and sustained and proper training, the National ranking fencers who had participated in international competitions in the recent past, have had modest performance. Notwithstanding constraint of funds and lack of effective long term training and non-availability of competent and qualified coaches of international calibre and lack of international exposure, the juniors and seniors who had participated in international events are gradually ascending the ranking position, both in international and regional events.
  • The highlights are – the National Junior team both men and women secured 5thplace in Foil event and one of the members secured 6thplace in individual event on their maiden appearance in the Asian Championship. Similarly, in the Commonwealth Championship the Indian team secured 7thplace on their debut. At the World level the juniors and senior participants are gradually improving their ranking position in the world competition, despite many constraints.
  • The Foreign coach who was here on a short spell of two different occasions has prophesized that Indian fencers could do extremely well in international competitions, subject to their sustained training and concerted efforts on a continuous basis over a period of time, keeping in view their inherent talent and physiological attributes.